Promise Giver

Aug 11, 2024    Pastor Jeff Lister

This is a Sunday morning message from Hope Church Frankfort. Our series JEHOVAH is walking through God's name and character.

Notes: *All scripture is read from ESV unless otherwise noted*

"The most important thing about you is what you believe about God." - A.W. Tozer

-Genesis 22:1-3

-Genesis 12:1-3

-Genesis 15:7-11

-Genesis 15:12-18

-Genesis 21:1-5

-Genesis 22:1-3

“I cannot imagine a greater test than that which the Lord applied to Abraham. The Jews usually say that Abraham was tried ten times. Surely on this occasion he was tried ten times in one.” - Charles Surgeon

-Genesis 22:4-8

-Genesis 22:9-14